As unpleasant as August was for me, September sure is making one hell of a turn-around...I can barely remember what maladies befell me last month! I've been so busy with work and life I haven't blogged in so long! Needless to say, things have been wonderful and I've been feeling amazing every single day I wake up. And thus, I present you...the happy list, yet again.
- This weather. I absolutely love Fall, its brisk, refreshing winds, the cold mornings and warm days, followed again by chilly nights, perfect for cuddling.
- Running in this weather is prime for me, I love it!
- Stockings! I'm not sure if everyone loves stockings like I do, but I love having an array of colors ready for the season, Fall is the best season to accessorize!
- Journal 3831 looks freaking amazing, honestly, I cried a little at its contributions last week.
- First kisses are always great. That should have been first on my list. First kisses.
- NYC next weekend, I have a feeling it'll change my life.
- Sandra Cisneros' My Wicked, Wicked Ways