But first, let me share with you the best part of my Thanksgiving dinner.
That's the cake my family orders for every holiday, birthday or special occasion. It's kind of a big deal in our family gatherings to always have this cake.
Not only does it taste amazing, but it also holds a lot of good memories, plus I don't think we'll ever get sick of it.
That picture up there is the cake right before I cut into it, and this picture below is the cake the following morning.
Once it gets to that point we pretty much just attack it with forks, no plates or slices necessary because that is how we roll. This cake never lasts 24 hours.
After specifically informing my mom that I was going to sleep in on Black Friday, she and my aunt took turns jumping on my bed at 5:30 in the morning to drag me along on their shopping escapades. After an hour of my refusals I was finally tempted out of bed with the incentive to drive my aunt's new X3.
After finding absolutely nothing I came home, packed my gym bag and headed to the gym to get in some much needed cardio. After an hour and a half of straight running I decided that my hair needed a touch up. And by touch up I mean full highlights. It's a lot lighter in person, my mom thinks I'm blond, she's funny like that.
Every year, on the day after Thanksgiving, we have a second dinner at my Uncle's place downtown. My sister and I steal a moment to take a picture in the elevator with our desserts but I couldn't quite angle the camera so it's just of the two of us. Underneath her Wii Sports package you can barely see her dessert from Dinkel's, a Hutten Kuchen. Let me tell you, it was tasty.
This is his version of "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" by Jet.
And my personal favorite, "Roxanne" by the Police.
Isn't he adorable? Now I'm going to try to go to bed so I can make it to tae kwon do class in the morning so I'm sure there are a lot of grammatical errors, please keep in mind I'm about to fall asleep and it is late! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and spent time with family.